Contract Bridge

This convention is alertable in ACBL regulations.[1]

Stayman in doubt (SID) is an extension to Stayman, showing a completely balanced hand with 4-3-3-3 distribution with a fit with the opener. The motivation is that, with exactly 4-3-3-3 hands in both the opener and the responder, there is no short suit to ruff, so that a notrump contract probably produces the same number of tricks as the major suit contract. Therefore, 3NT may be preferable than 4 of the major in this case, since it requires one trick less to make and is worth 10 points more when the same number of tricks are taken.


When this convention is on, the following sequence initiates it:

Opener Responder
1NT 21
2/22 33
  1. Stayman
  2. showing a 4-card major
  3. showing support of the 4-card major, but exactly 4333 shape, initiating the convention

Now it's down to opener whose options are:

  • 3 of the major: a minimum hand;
  • 3NT: a maximum hand and 4333 distribution;
  • 4 of the major: a maximum hand with a little more shape (4432, 5332).

Advanced Stayman in doubt[]

Advanced Stayman in doubt is a variant of Stayman in doubt. To use it, responder needs to have a fit and near game values, but may have any shape. It is initiated in the exactly the same way as the original SID convention:

Opener Responder
1NT 21
2/22 33
  1. Stayman
  2. showing a 4-card major
  3. showing support of the 4-card major, initiating the convention

Now opener has the following options:

  • 3 of the agreed major: a minimum hand and 4333 distribution;
  • 3NT: a maximum hand and 4333 distribution;
  • 4 of the agreed major: a 5-card major;
  • a new suit: 4432 with doubleton in the bid suit.

Responder may then place the final contract, or continue investigating slam.


  1. [1] Responses to NT Opening Bids and NT Overcalls : Continuations by responder after the use of Stayman which guarantee a longer suit than that named

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